
EskDale High School began operation in July 2001 as a public school in the Millard County School District. At that time, Superintendent Raymond Timothy requested that the Millard Board of Education and the Utah State Office of Education allow the private school operating at EskDale, Utah to be brought into the school district. Both the county and the state accepted this proposal, and EskDale High School was born. A year or two after that, the junior high grades 7 and 8 were moved from White Pine County’s elementary school in Baker, Nevada, and integrated into the EHS family as Garrison Secondary School. Now the junior high of Garrison Secondary has simply become a part of EskDale High School.

Like the private school before it, EskDale High School continues to offer an excellent opportunity for the students in Snake Valley, which covers part of west Millard County, Utah and an eastern part of White Pine County in Nevada. The primary focus of EHS is to provide each student with opportunities to enable them to proceed on to higher education through a university or some other educational institution.

Mission & Vision
