Refocus Center Resources
The Refocus Center provides a comfortable setting for students to drop-in for mental, emotional, and social support, as needed, during their school day. Students are given strategies to increase their resilience and overall well-being.
Refocus Coordinator
Danielle Sorenson
Virtual Refocus Center

Self-care Techniques:
Take care of yourself first. You will be more successful and more able to help others around you if you first take care of yourself. This is an important habit to form. Scheduling self-care into your daily routine only takes a few minutes, but it can change the way your whole day goes. Here are a few things you can add to your daily routine:
- Exercise
- Drink water
- Eat Healthy
- Practice Mindfulness
- Take a Bath
- Read
- Listen to soft relaxing music
- Stretch
- Watch the Sunset
- Write down what you are grateful for
- Relaxation Activities
- Write a Compliment to yourself
- Get Outside
- Call a Friend
- Ask for a Hug
- Soak your feet in hot water
- Take Deep Breaths
- Blast Music and Dance
- Write down names of loved ones
- Smile at a Stranger
- Make your Bed
- Serve Someone
- Put Fuzzy Socks On
- Do something nice for someone
- Meditate