Suicide Prevention/Mental Health Support

School-Based Mental Health Counselor

School-Based Social Worker
Dennon Rawlinson

Dennon Rawlinson provides school-based mental health counseling at DMS during school hours. This service is free to students. Talk to the school counselor, Mrs. Bliss, for more information about this excellent resource for students who are needing extra mental health support.

Dennon Rawlinson brinda asesoramiento sobre salud mental en la escuela en DMS durante el horario escolar. Este servicio es gratuito para los estudiantes. Hable con la consejera escolar, la Sra. Bliss, para obtener más información sobre este excelente recurso para los estudiantes que necesitan apoyo adicional de salud mental.


The SafeUT app provides a way to connect to licensed counselors that are ready to listen to any sized crisis or concern. Help is immediate and confidential.

La aplicación SafeUT proporciona una forma de conectarse con consejeros autorizados que están listos para escuchar cualquier crisis o inquietud. La ayuda es inmediata y confidencial.





Free app that students can use to help regulate their mental/emotional wellbeing It helps users manage symptoms of depression through Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) activities. The app contains: – a Thought Diary
– educational info about depression
– self-help guidelines
– symptom tracking
– suggested activities
– safety plan for protection during a suicidal crisis.
MY3 helps students create a safety plan when feeling suicidal. This app helps identify:
– support system
– coping strategies
– people or places that provide distraction or comfort
When you’re in crisis and think no hope is in sight, support is right at your fingertips any time of the day.
Coping skill APP for individuals struggling with depression. Provides:
– Distraction with games that require focus
– Relaxation with a variety of guided and self-controlled meditation exercises.
– Coping with suggestions for activities that reduce stress.
Inspiration with brief quotes to improve mood and motivation.
Coping cards that allow collaboration with a mental health provider.
– Day tracker to visualize how long you’ve been sober
– Remember why you quit feature
– Daily pledge tracker for reviewing how your day went and logging notes at the end of the day
– Sobriety calculator to view how much money & time you’ve saved by being sober
– Trigger analyzer to find patterns that made your day easier or harder
– Share your story feature where you add photos and journal your progress
– Milestone tracker for celebrating and sharing progress and reading how others felt at these milestone and what to expect
– Withdrawal timeline to help prepare for recovery
This App allows you to enjoy the relaxing and soothing sound of rain falling: Forest Rain, Heavy Rain, Light Rain, Rain on Tent, Rain Shower, Sprinkle, Thunderstorm, Wind and Rain. Helps with insomnia, getting to sleep quicker, improving quality of sleep, blocking out distracting noise, boosting concentration by drowning out distracting thoughts with relaxing sounds, and helping you stay calm & stress-free!


Text HOME to 741741 from anywhere in the United States, anytime. Crisis Text Line is here for any crisis. A live, trained Crisis Counselor receives the text and responds from a secure online platform.

Envíe un mensaje de texto HOME al 741741 desde cualquier lugar de los Estados Unidos, en cualquier momento. Crisis Text Line está aquí para cualquier crisis. Un Consejero de Crisis en vivo y capacitado recibe el texto y responde desde una plataforma en línea segura.

The Lifeline and 988 update:
988 has been designated as the new three-digit dialing code that will route callers to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. 

La actualización de Lifeline y 988:
988 ha sido designado como el nuevo código de marcación de tres dígitos que enrutará a las personas que llaman a la Línea Nacional de Prevención del Suicidio.