Fillmore Elementary is a Title I school. That means that our school receives additional funding and support for academic programs that other schools do not have. Title I is a federal program through ESSA, the Every Student Succeeds Act, that is designed to:
- Help students achieve academic success in Reading mathematics and Science
- Provide support for children learning English
- Increase student achievement in high poverty schools through school-wide reform
- Build teacher quality through researched-based professional learning opportunities and
- Enhance parents’ abilities to help their children succeed through quality parental involvement and learning.
Each year Title I schools involve parents in the development of a school improvement plan, a parent engagement plan, and in writing a school/parent compact. Fillmore Elementary’s Community Council serves as our parent advisory council; however, all parents are invited to give input and any parent is welcome to attend the regularly scheduled Community Council meetings posted on our website and listed in our school newsletters. As these documents are developed, copies will be shared with all parents.
As a Title I school, we offer the following additional services to children at our school:
- Free and reduced cost breakfast
- Free and reduced cost lunch
- Small group and individual instruction and tutoring
- Extended day kindergarten
- After school interventions
- Computer assisted remediation and acceleration
These special services and programs are available through Title I and are designed to help our children succeed.
During the school year, you will be receiving information regarding our school’s performance and practice. This information will be shared in our Chip Chat, on the school website, and at PCCR conferences. Updates will show how our students have done on annual assessments compared to how they have done in the past and how they rank with other districts and the state.
As a parent, you also have the right to request information about your child’s teacher’s professional qualification and about our school’s instructional assistants. All teachers at our school have been certified by the state of Utah as highly qualified and all our classroom assistants have been certified to work with elementary students.
During our first PCCR conference, you will receive information about your child’s performance on the end-of-level assessments from the previous year along with a copy of our school-parent engagement plan. Each child will have an appointment time so that you and your child can meet individually with your teacher to discuss strengths, yearly progress, needs, and goals that are specific to your child. These meetings may take place in person or remotely if preferred.
If you have any questions about Title I, your child’s teacher, instructional assistants working with your child, or any other school program please contact me, the principal, in person or by letter or email. We look forward to working with you and your children this year.
Sheila Sheriff
Fillmore Elementary Principal