The Millard School District Board of Education is pleased to announce the selection of Mr. Corey Holyoak as the new Business Administrator for the district. Mr. Holyoak will replace Mr. Keith Griffiths who has served in this critical position since 1987.
The school board is directly responsible for hiring two positions in the district; the superintendent and the business administrator. All other hiring is delegated to administration with the board approval required for each nominee. Because this is one of the two official selections made by the five-member board, they approached this with the greatest concern and dedication to finding the right person. Applications and job descriptions were sent throughout the state and advertising of the position was done through the Utah School Boards Association (USBA), as well as, locally in order to attract a high quality pool from which to make the selection. Twelve outstanding candidates made application for the position from a variety of backgrounds and educational experiences. This group was narrowed after an extensive review of qualifications and experience in order to facilitate the interview process.
The interviewees were incredibly talented and qualified individuals which made the selection even more difficult for the board. Ultimately, the board made the unanimous decision to offer the position to Mr. Corey Holyoak.
Mr. Holyoak is a native of Overton, Nevada. He graduated from Moapa Valley High School in 2000, after which he attended Southern Utah University (SUU) for one year before serving a two-year mission in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. After his mission, he returned to SUU to resume his studies where he graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Finance in 2007. He then worked for State Bank of Southern Utah in various capacities for several years. While working there, he continued his education graduating with a Masters of Accountancy degree in 2014.
In 2014, he moved to Las Vegas where he transitioned to a role in public accounting at an international accounting firm. Mr. Holyoak obtained a CPA license in 2016 after completing a two-year public accounting experience requirement. He and his family have been living and working in Las Vegas for the last seven years.
Mr. Holyoak explained, “The COVID‐19 pandemic brought with it many challenges; however, for our family it also brought a unique blessing. As Las Vegas schools were forced to close for the 2020‐2021 school year, we were fortunate that Jen and our children could stay with her parents in Oak City to allow our children to attend in-person school in Delta. While it was difficult only seeing each other on the weekends during the school year, our kids flourished in their new environment. They loved their teachers and quickly made many friends. This experience has only increased our love for the area, and we feel extremely privileged that this opportunity has come about. We are thrilled to be able to raise our children in this wonderful community!”
Corey is married to the former Jen May, who graduated from Delta High School in 2004. They are the parents of four children,
Olivia “Livvy” – 13, Mason – 11, Hayes – 9, and Landry – 6.
Mr. Holyoak told the board, “I am honored to fill the position of Business Administrator for the district and look forward to serving the community in this capacity.” He will begin working with Mr. Griffiths on November 1st and will train on the specifics of the position and the district until December 31st, when the district will extend a sad farewell to Keith Griffiths who has served the school district for 34 years. While the board has lamented the loss of Keith and the incredible knowledge and experience that he has brought to this position, it is confident that Corey will bring great skills and abilities that will help fill that gap.