Colleges, Universities, & Tech Schools

Virtually visit the colleges in the state of Utah!

When applying for colleges, you will need to:

  1. Request the office send your high school transcript to the colleges you have applied for.
  2. Go to to request your ACT scores be sent to the colleges you are applying to (if you did not already make that request when you signed up for the ACT). Most colleges will not accept your ACT score listed on your high school transcript. (Snow college will.) *Remember, colleges will look at your highest ACT score.
  3. If you have earned college credits from any college – i.e.: Snow for concurrent enrollment, Weber for Boys or Girls State, Dixie for Leadership Conference, etc., you will need to request those colleges send your transcripts to the other colleges you are applying to.
  4. If you are planning on completing a service experience (peace corps, teaching English in China, LDS mission, etc.) before you attend college, tech, or trade school, be sure you defer not only your acceptance/s, but your scholarship/s also. You will APPLY as if you were going straight to college (meaning apply for the coming school year), but then DEFER to the year you will return.

Al solicitar admisión a las universidades, deberá:

  1. Solicite a la oficina que envíe su certificado de estudios secundarios a las universidades a las que ha solicitado.
  2. Visita para solicitar que se envíen tus puntajes de ACT a las universidades a las que postulas (si aún no hiciste esa solicitud cuando te inscribiste en el ACT). La mayoría de las universidades no aceptarán la puntuación de ACT que figura en el expediente académico de la escuela secundaria. (Snow college lo hará). *Recuerda, las universidades observarán tu puntuación más alta en el ACT.
  3. Si obtuvo créditos universitarios de cualquier universidad, es decir, Snow para inscripción simultánea, Weber para Boys o Girls State, Dixie para Conferencia de liderazgo, etc., deberá solicitar que esas universidades envíen sus expedientes académicos a las otras universidades a las que está solicitando ingreso.
  4. Si planea completar una experiencia de servicio (cuerpo de paz, enseñanza de inglés en China, misión SUD, etc.) antes de asistir a la universidad, escuela técnica o comercial, asegúrese de diferir no solo su aceptación, sino también su beca. también APLICARÁS como si fueras directamente a la universidad (lo que significa que lo harás para el próximo año escolar), pero luego DIFERENCIARÁS al año en el que regresarás.
Priority Deadline: Dec 1
Final Deadline: Feb 1
Scholarship Deadline: Feb 1
Financial Aid Deadline: May 1
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Scholarship Page

Application Deadline: August 15
Scholarship Deadline: March 1
Financial Aid Deadline: March 1
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Scholarship Page
Application Deadline: 10 days prior to semester
Scholarship Deadline: March 1
Financial Aid Deadline: July 1
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Scholarship Page
Application Deadline: August 15
Scholarship Deadline: March 1
Financial Aid Deadline: April 15
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Scholarship Page
Application Deadline: Open
Scholarship Deadline: March 1
Financial Aid Deadline: June 1
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Scholarship Page
Scholarship Deferment
Defer Acceptance: contact Admissions
Application Deadline: May 1
Scholarship Deadline: March 1
Financial Aid Deadline: July 1
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Scholarship Page
Honors College Deadline: Nov 1
Priority Deadline: Dec 1
Scholarship Deadline: Dec 1
Final Deadline: Feb 1
Financial Aid Deadline: March 1
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Scholarship Page
Scholarship Deadline: Dec 1
Application Deadline: April 1
Financial Aid Deadline: March 15
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Scholarship Page
Application Deadline: Open
Scholarship Deadline: March 1
Financial Aid Deadline: March 1
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Scholarship Page
Application Deadline: August 1
Scholarship Deadline: Feb 1
Financial Aid Deadline: Year-round
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Scholarship Page
Application Deadline: Open
Scholarship Deadline: January 11
Financial Aid Deadline: May 1
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Scholarship Page
Application Deadline: Rolling
Scholarship Deadline: Rolling/ Reconsideration March 1
Financial Aid Deadline: Rolling
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Scholarship Page


The Utah Transfer Guide is a tool to help you plan your transfer of college credits from one school to another and should be used along with the information you receive from a college/transfer advisor at the school you are planning to attend. Here is a web page for additional transfer help for students looking to attend BYU:

La Guía de transferencia de Utah es una herramienta para ayudarlo a planificar su transferencia de créditos universitarios de una escuela a otra y debe usarse junto con la información que recibe de un asesor de transferencia/universidad en la escuela a la que planea asistir. Aquí hay una página web para obtener ayuda de transferencia adicional para estudiantes que buscan asistir a BYU:

Application Deadline: Year-round
Scholarship Deadline: Year-round
Financial Aid Deadline: Year-round
Job Corps is a no-cost education and vocational training program administered by the U.S. Department of Labor that helps young people ages 16-24 improve the quality of their lives by helping them with their education, empowering them to get great jobs, and assisting them to become independent.

Job Corps es un programa gratuito de educación y capacitación vocacional administrado por el Departamento de Trabajo de los EE. UU. que ayuda a los jóvenes de 16 a 24 años a mejorar la calidad de sus vidas ayudándolos con su educación, capacitándolos para obtener excelentes trabajos y ayudándolos independizarse.
Apprenticeships through the Labor Unions: Utah has labor unions for plumbers, electricians, carpenters, brick layers, bakery workers,.. Many of these unions offer training and apprenticeships for those interested in going straight into the work force. Click the logo to be taken to a list of labor unions in Utah with a contact number to reach them.

Aprendizajes a través de los sindicatos: Utah tiene sindicatos para plomeros, electricistas, carpinteros, albañiles, panaderos, etc. Muchos de estos sindicatos ofrecen capacitación y aprendizaje para aquellos interesados en ingresar directamente a la fuerza laboral. Haga clic en el logotipo para ir a una lista de sindicatos en Utah con un número de contacto para comunicarse con ellos